Wie links ist Sahra Wagenknecht? - germanistik.ch
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von Dominique Herbet

Wie links ist Sahra Wagenknecht?

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As a member of the Bundestag and the National Committee of the Left Party and deputy chairperson of Die Linke since May 2010, Sahra Wagenknecht is a committed woman. She comes from the periphery of Germany (GDR) and the left-wing political scene: this little Neo-Stalinist devil, as she has been called by the ‹Bild›, has always supported anti-capitalist theses, as she regularly reminds us in her writings and interviews, although lately she has been more moderate. She is still quite controversial, even in her own party, which she has criticized for participating in coalition governments. Today, the communist beauty, having given up Stalinism under the influence of Oskar Lafontaine, has become an icon of the anti-capitalist Left, even though she is also subscribing to Erhard’s liberal theses. Her rise also shows that leftist ideas have become mainstream, especially with the crisis.

Zitieren Sie diesen Beitrag bitte wie folgt:
Herbet , Dominique: Wie links ist Sahra Wagenknecht? <http://germanistik.ch/publikation.php? id=Wie_links_ist_Sahra_Wagenknecht> (Publiziert März 2013)
Herbet , Dominique: Wie links ist Sahra Wagenknecht? In: Michael Stolz, Laurent Cassagnau, Daniel Meyer und Nathalie Schnitzer (Hg.): Germanistik in der Schweiz (GiS) Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Akademischen Gesellschaft für Germanistik. Heft 10/2013. Bern: germanistik.ch 2013, S.89-97

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